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Symposium Speakers

The 2014 FF21 Symposium will feature leaders from academia, industry, and policy speaking on a wide range of topics and issues relating to the research and commercialization of photosynthetic organisms for the production of biomass, biofuels, and other bio-products.

Eric Allen

Eric Allen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marine Biology and Molecular Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Shota Atsumi

Shota Atsumi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, UC Davis


Roger Beachy, Ph.D. (Keynote)
Director of World Food Center


Bianca Brahamsha, Ph.D.
Research Biologist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Geoffrey Chang, Ph.D.
Professor, Skaggs School of Pharmacy

Joe Ecker

Joseph Ecker, Ph.D.
Professor, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory UC San Diego, The Salk Institute

James Golden

James W. Golden, Ph.D.
Professor of Molecular Biology, UC San Diego

Sanjay Kumar

Sanjay Kumar, Ph.D.
Scientist III, Syn Bio R&D, Life Technologies / Thermo Fisher Scientific

Jeff Hasty

Jeff Hasty, Ph.D.
Professor of Bioengineering, UC San Diego

Sara Iverson
Sara Iverson, M.S.
Director of Biological Sciences, Heliae

Martin Jonikas

Martin Jonikas, Ph.D.
Young Investigator, Carnegie Institution for Science


Stephen Mayfield, Ph.D.
Professor of Molecular Biology UC San Diego and John Dove Isaacs Chair of Natural Philosophy,
Director of Cal-CAB, Co-director of FF21

Greg Mitchell

Greg Mitchell, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


George Oyler, M.D., Ph.D.
President of Synaptic Research


Bernhard Palsson, Ph.D.
Galetti Professor of Bioengineering and Adjunct Professor of Medicine, UC San Diego

Beth Rasala

Beth Rasala, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Triton Algae Innovations

Ben Saydah

Ben Saydah, Ph.D.
Sapphire Energy, Director of Algae Conversion and Oil Upgrading

Hamilton Smith

Hamilton Smith, M.D. (Keynote)
Scientific Director Synthetic Biology and Bioenergy, J. Craig Venter Institute

Brian Staskawicz

Brian Staskawicz, Ph.D.
Maxine J. Elliot Professor of Plant and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley


Martin Yanofksy, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor and Chair of Cell and Developmental Biology

Graduate Student and Postdoc Talks

Nathan Schoepp
Graduate Student, UC San Diego

Emily Trentacoste
Postdoctoral Fellow, NOAA

Liz Specht
Graduate Student, UC San Diego