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Platinum Sponsors

sapphire Backed by a team of the nation’s leading researchers, scientists, and top-tier, long-term investors, Sapphire Energy has established itself as the industry leader in algal fuel technology with the potential to change the world’s energy and petrochemical landscape.

Gold Sponsors

life techLife Technologies is a global life sciences company that believes in the power of science to transform lives. Life Technologies offers high-quality, innovative solutions—from everyday essentials to instruments—for every lab, every application.

HeliaeHeliae is a technology-driven production company that uses sunlight and low-cost carbon feedstocks to produce high-value products from algae. Based in Gilbert, Ariz., Heliae is leveraging its core production technology into four target markets: personal care, nutrition, therapeutics, and agrosciences. Heliae is advancing the future of the algae industry by delivering novel algae-based products to dynamic markets around the world.

Silver Sponsors

Triton Alage InnovationsTriton Health and Nutrition is a biotechnology company transforming animal and human health through nature-made, powerful, and time-tested proteins, delivered in a botanical orally available form.

Poster Session Sponsors

agilent From home entertainment to homeland security, from food safety to network reliability, and from communicating wirelessly to discovering the genetic basis of disease, Agilent is the global industry leader.